Every time we come "home," things here seem just a little different. It's hard to tell if we're changing or if this American life we remember so fondly is changing... probably a little of both. This return, though, I thought I'd write out some of my first impressions of life in Boulder to glance back upon after we've been here a few weeks to see if they still stir even a small amount of culture shock. Exercise Mania! Every trail seems crowded with runners. Cyclists swarm every road, snow covered or not. Hikers, walkers, and rec centers seem to amass on every street corner, showing off not only their athletic prowess, but their triple digit (minimum) gear. It's strange to be back in an exercise culture, realizing just how different life seems in Russia. Exercise in Russia does not feel like a lifestyle, but rather something built into daily life or a luxury for a day off. Already, this moment from Back to the Future has popped in...