Did you know that young people planning to begin their first year of college this year were born in 1994? 1994? I was a freshman in high school in 1994. I actually wore the styles that students throw "decades parties" these days to mock. I listened to music defined as "early rap." I watched TV shows currently on syndication on Nick at Night. I was young in 1994. So what does that make me now? Working with students these past 5 years, Dan and I have both recently begun to feel our age fairly acutely. Never before has the age gap seemed more apparent than when our adventurous young group of American summer project students invited us to midnight cycling around the city and all we could think about was Anna and Peter’s early morning wake-up music. How did we so quickly become those people? You know the type… those old, boring people, who get up everyday at 6:30 and go to bed around 9, who read books for fun, who don’t know what’s playing at the mo...