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Showing posts from January, 2021

Best Books of 2020

If I sit long enough, I can still hear the soft tumble of water on the sandy beaches of the Costa Del Sol - it didn't seem like January and certainly didn't feel like the beginning of the year we've just had. As we trudge into 2021, shlepping the grief, heartache, and disappointment in the wake of what has been 2020, it's eerie to look back. Sometimes painful, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny in its irony, but mostly just strange. And sad. As dictated by tradition, we write our annual "best of" letter in January to our faithful, loving, and incredible partners. We pull out the highlights of the year that has passed, package them up with a tight bow of thanksgiving and appreciation, and send this collection of precious moments to our dearest family and friends. One of those categories is "best books." And while often it's been simple to choose one of many brilliant options, this year, the books I've read have marked this strange season of 2020 w...